Mayor Shannon Martin, City of Port St. Lucie | City of Port St. Lucie website
Mayor Shannon Martin, City of Port St. Lucie | City of Port St. Lucie website
It is time for the annual #IamPSL Citizen Summit, an event that offers residents of Port St. Lucie the opportunity to engage with their community's future while enjoying activities with their families. The summit will take place on Saturday, February 1, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Community Center located at 2195 SE Airoso Blvd.
Unlike traditional government meetings, this summit is designed as a drop-in event featuring free activities suitable for all ages. It provides residents with a platform to participate in planning Port St. Lucie's future through interactive sessions and allows them to share feedback on city services directly with city officials.
"The City wants to hear from residents of every age group as we shape the City’s Strategic Plan together," stated a spokesperson for the city. Attendees are encouraged to bring their families to this resident-focused gathering.
Culinary arts students from Northport K-8 will offer complimentary refreshments and food demonstrations throughout the event duration. Additionally, school band performances will be part of the entertainment lineup.
For more information about activities, giveaways, and past feedback from previous Citizen Summits, visit