Mayor Shannon Martin, City of Port St. Lucie | City of Port St. Lucie website
Mayor Shannon Martin, City of Port St. Lucie | City of Port St. Lucie website
The City has joined forces with the Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council, Inc. (TCHSC) to manage the final phase of the Emergency Rental Assistance 2 (ERA2) program. A grant totaling $400,000 will be allocated to provide emergency rental assistance to individuals in Port St. Lucie who are either homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless through the ERA2 Rapid-Rehousing Program.
The program aims to connect those experiencing homelessness with stable and permanent housing solutions. It offers supportive services such as housing stabilization case management, housing navigation, referrals, and tenant-based rental assistance to help participants transition into permanent housing successfully.
Applications for the ERA2 Rapid-Rehousing Program opened on February 14, 2025, at 9 a.m., and will remain open until funds are depleted or until September 30, 2025, whichever occurs first.
The Rapid Re-housing Program ("RRH") assists households that meet the Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") definition of homelessness by providing services that enable their return to permanent housing or help them retain housing they might lose due to financial stress.
Services under RRH include covering the first and second month's rent, rental security deposit, and utility security deposit for approved applicants based on individual household circumstances. Additional services may include housing stabilization case management, housing navigation, referral to supportive services, and tenant-based rental assistance.
Those interested in applying can contact TCHSC directly at (772) 213-9040 for application intake.