Mayor Shannon Martin, City of Port St. Lucie | City of Port St. Lucie website
Mayor Shannon Martin, City of Port St. Lucie | City of Port St. Lucie website
The City of Port St. Lucie has been honored with the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Award Presentation for the Fiscal Year 2024-25. This achievement marks the 36th consecutive year that the city has received this accolade, reflecting its ongoing dedication to adhering to the highest standards in governmental budgeting.
To qualify for this award, a government entity must produce a budget document that serves as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and communications tool for the public.
The City of Port St. Lucie first received the GFOA Distinguished Budget Award Presentation for Fiscal Year 1990 and has consistently maintained this level of excellence through Fiscal Year 2024-25.
In addition to receiving the award, Port St. Lucie's budget earned two additional recognitions: "This recognition demonstrates our commitment to transparency and fiscal responsibility," said Port St. Lucie Director of Office of Management and Budget Caroline Sturgis.